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14 August 2024/

MealPe Online Food Ordering POS Pvt Ltd is an Mumbai / Bombay / Navi Mumbai Foodtech SaaS Startup known for its innovative food solutions designed for Native (Universities, Coliving, Coworking, Hospitals, Corporate) and Captive (Airports, Events, Venues, Stadiums, Theatres) Online Food Discovery, Online Food Ordering. MealPe’s Foodtech Products & Services…

14 August 2024/

MealPe Online Food Ordering POS Pvt Ltd is an Gandhinagar Foodtech SaaS Startup known for its innovative food solutions designed for Native (Universities, Coliving, Coworking, Hospitals, Corporate) and Captive (Airports, Events, Venues, Stadiums, Theatres) Online Food Discovery, Online Food Ordering. MealPe’s Foodtech Products & Services in Gandhinagar Digital Contactless Canteen…

12 August 2024/

In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, the need for efficient, seamless, and hassle-free food solutions has never been more critical. For office visitors and corporate guests, the experience of ordering food should be smooth and pleasant, complementing their professional activities rather than hindering them. Enter MealPe—the premier online food ordering app…

12 August 2024/

In the bustling life of students, where academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and social interactions collide, the need for convenient and efficient solutions becomes paramount. MealPe emerges as a revolutionary food ordering app tailored to meet the unique needs of students across India. From ordering meals between back-to-back lectures to getting…

About Us

Luckily friends do ashamed to do suppose. Tried meant mr smile so. Exquisite behaviour as to middleton perfectly. Chicken no wishing waiting am. Say concerns dwelling graceful.


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She wholly fat who window extent either formal. Removing welcomed.

MealPe Online Food Ordering POS Private Limited

GF, Savvy Swaraaj Sports Club, Gota, Ahmedabad – 380081


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